
Aponte Caturra Natural

141,00 kr
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For a few weeks now, we have had a honey-processed Caturra varietal from Aponte, and now we’re excited to release Aponte Caturra Natural! From the same producers amongst the Aponte community, and the same varietal, the difference here is in the processing. 

Whereas in the honey process, the fruit flesh of the coffee cherry is stripped back by mechanical depulper machines, exposing a thin sugary layer, which we call musalige, the natural process instead leaves the coffee cherry intact. After careful picking, and extra sorting to ensure only the ripest of fruit, the cherries are taken straight to dry and endure a slow fermentation period over a period of roughly four weeks. It’s within those four weeks that the coffee seeds sit within their fruit flesh and the sugars are allowed to break down, adding brightness and complexity to the coffee. Natural processing, and fermentation in general, is a hard skill to perfect. We only work with the best quality of producers, who have the ability to naturally process their coffee with the precision needed to add depth and complexity to their coffees, whilst maintaining clarity in flavour and avoiding any undesirable flavour components.

This is exactly the case for this new release! In Aponte Natural, we have a clear, bright and deliciously juicy cup. We experience a coffee which is somewhat winey, with notes of raspberry and pineapple.


country colombia
region nariño
producer aponte community
variety caturra
process natural
altitude 2150 masl
tasting notes raspberry, pineapple, winey