June 12, 2023

The Prolog Jxm prxjxct IIII

The Prolog Jxm prxjxct IIII
20th & 21st of May 2023
In your hand, you hold a jar of rhubarb jam that we first and foremost hope, you will enjoy. 
In Prolog we are always doing our best, not only when brewing your coffee at the bar, but also when handling the coffee beans from farm to table and beyond. Inspired by our daily work, we wish to transfer this attentiveness to our food selection. This Jxm prxjxct is a way of achieving this.

The idea

We harvest the best possible produce at the best possible time of year – in this case rhubarbs from late May – and preserve them at their peak.

The project is a way of combining research, network, education, sharing of knowledge, and production. By doing so, we aim to create a series of complete products, all made with a holistic approach. 

In other words - it must taste great, make us wiser, do good and create a profit all at the same time.

Besides making your mouth happy, this project is teaching us about Danish agriculture and farming traditions, and our ambition is to bring this knowledge with us, when we are once again able to travel and interact with our collaborators around the world.



Below you will find a spreadsheet, describing the ingredients we chose to add to our two batches of cooking the jam. All ingredients are organic and as locally sourced as possible (not the vanilla). Please have a look at the batch number on your jar and check the list below for ingredients.

The ratio between rhubarb and sugar varies according to the different acidity levels of the rhubarb varieties used. Furthermore, the recipes vary slightly, depending on what flavor we have decided to add to the different batches. 

The process is divided in two parts.

Day 1 (20th. May): We clean and cut the rhubarb in one-centimeter slices and marinate them in sugar.

Day 2 (21st. May): We cook the marinated rhubarb with a little filtered water and flavor additives and add more sugar if needed.


Batch no. 1
(Simple / Inger Vaaben Style)        

Batch no. 2







Lemon juice



Vanilla PNG


0.1kg (25 pods)


The rhubarb

In the process of finding the best possible rhubarb, we came across Inger Vaaben – a former head of division from the Ministry of the Environment, who grows rhubarbs and herbs with great passion and

curiosity. She does it gypsy-style, renting land from Stengården (www.stengaardenoko.dk), an organic farm in Bregnerød in Northern Sealand.

Her former professional life has led her towards sustainable farming, and we were lucky to be invited for coffee and a talk about rhubarb in her shed on the fields of Stengården.

Inger grows following varieties of organic rhubarb: Victoria, Rosenhagen, Spangsberg, Timberley Early, Elmsfeuer,Linnaeus and different sorts of wine rhubarbs. Check out her site here.